The Journey So Far
In November 2018, a group of young Christian adults began to meet in Liverpool. They have
got to know each other and celebrate what they have in common through their Christian Faith. A lively, interesting and very happy journey has taken place over time as the group has grown in mutual understanding and a shared vision, with the Gospel at the centre of everything they do.
The group is currently made up of members from the Anglican, Catholic, Carmel Mar Thoma, Independent, Methodist and Pentecostal Churches: young men and women from different walks of life. On reflection, it is easy to see how the Holy Spirit has been at work, as the young people have been so open to sharing their gifts and talents, in a spirit of collaboration. Whilst acknowledging the difference in denominational traditions, a deep respect and appreciation of, and for each other has developed, and these young people are on a mission to continue to spread the good news.
Since the initial meeting in November 2018, they have worked together to establish a common vision through shared leadership. Members have taken turns in chairing meetings and offer individual perspectives to enlighten each other.
For example, one month, P J and Chloe (Anglican and Methodist) led the group in determining its’ purpose, and set out their hopes and dreams for the way forward.
Next time, Peter led the group through the Catholic Synod 2020 questions
which sparked a lively exchange of views and ideas. Soon after this, Sam and Chloe were invited to participate in the Synod meetings, representing the Anglican and Methodist Churches. They were delighted to observe how their input was received and welcomed by Synod 2020 members.
Pentecost Celebrations in June 2019 became a particular highlight for the group. They actively took part in the Pilgrimage of Hope which used to be the “Two Cathedrals “ Service and was inspired by the Pope’s visit to the city in 1982. This Pentecost event celebrates the unity between Christians especially in our city and region. Group members were honoured to have been asked to proclaim some of the readings during the service and the bonds within the group were strengthened that day.
As the year moved on, relationships have deepened and lots of insights, food and laughter
have been shared along the way.
A need for prayer emerged also, and when it was Liam Mc’s
turn to chair he gave a brief talk on Ignatian Spirituality followed by guided prayer in the two main Ignatian forms - the examen, and imaginative contemplation of the Gospel. This was well received by all and deepened the groups’ sense of spirituality.
During the Summer, the group enjoyed a relaxing walk along the dockside. A friendly chat and refreshments along the way made it a happy social occasion.
Before the pandemic, the group decided to dedicate some time to visiting the various denominations, in order to appreciate their work and traditions more fully.
One month, the Catholic Chaplaincy of John Moores and Liverpool University warmly welcomed the group
at St. Philip Neri Church, led by Liam Mahan and Fr Neil Ritchie. Fr. Neil traced the history of this beautiful church and explained the symbolism of its sacred spaces. He also demonstrated the use of incense at the request of the other denominations, as they found it fascinating and wanted to know more about it.
The following month brought us to Childwall Valley Salvation Army, where Bek and friends offered to share their home for the evening, and explained how they live in community to facilitate their Christian outreach.
At the end of 2019 they listened to the Synod 2020 talk on young people and the next month they took some time to reflect back on their journey so far. They decided to continue visiting the denominations and to take stock again 6 months later.
The Methodist Church hosted the group at the ‘Bread Church’ in the City Centre in February 2020. It
felt like being at home, making bread and sharing a meal after a time of reflection. It was also lovely to welcome 5 additional members.
In March the young adults had planned to spend an evening with a group of 4 Theology students from a Dutch University and were looking forward to giving them a Merseyside welcome. However this had to be postponed because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
During COVID the group met virtually even fortnightly to support each other. Since lock down eased, they decided to hold hybrid meetings. Therefore the journey continues...a seed has been sown, and with God’s grace the group will flourish and produce rich fruit.
Pancake night brought them together just before Lent 2024. For more news about the Young Adults group, please go to p 39 of our Ecumenical NewsBrief 2024.
The young people are keen to welcome others to share in and become part of the journey. Youth workers are also welcome.
If you know anyone aged between 18 to about 35, who may be interested, please encourage them to contact Veronica or go to the facebook page. Meetings normally take place on the second Monday of each month.
We hope to see you soon!